Welcome to Mrs. Taylor's Western Civ blogsite.

Industrial Revolution Test on Monday.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday, December 20th

Today we did an essay response to the question: "One of Napoleon's greatest achievements was his Civil Code. Assess its importance to Western Civilization." This wraps up our unit on the French Revolution and Napoleon.

No homework tonight,
Mrs. T.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday, December 19

Today we examined the differences between civil code and common law. They are considerable. It is important to think about the implications for countries using either of these. Tomorrow we will do a written response exercise (for marks) wherein students will express reasoned opinions about the two systems. A question will be posed for you to answer in essay format.

Take a look at your notes on the Napoleonic Code and related materials.

Mrs. T.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17th

Today we looked at the Code Napoleon. We learned about the reasons why the code was created and about its content.
Then, we engaged in a simulation game wherein members of the class divided into groups and became judges. Using modern day scenarios, groups acted as judges and used the Code Napoleon to decide cases. It was interesting to see how groups sometimes decided cases differently.

No homework tonight,
Mrs. T

Week of December 10th

On Monday, we continued our review of the Scientific Revolution.
On Tuesday, we wrote the test. It turned out that we did really well on these concepts!
From Wednesday to Friday, we examined the French Revolution and started to learn about Napoleon.

Time is flying by as we approach the holiday!
Mrs. T.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Friday, December 7th

Today, we took up the crossword on the Scientific Revolution. After reviewing it briefly, each student was given another crossword and we had a race to see who could finish it first - with the most accuracy. Mark won the contest. Way to go, Mark!

We began playing Jeopardy but ran out of time at the end of the class.

Don't forget to study this weekend,
Mrs. T.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday, December 6th

It's been quite some time since I blogged, but the last week has been a busy one - especially since I was away at a conference in San Diego. Just imagine 4000 Social Studies teachers at the SD convention centre. Wow! I learned alot! Mr. Arnason did a great job filling in and now we're rolling again!

Tonight you should be finishing your crosswords. I will review those tomorrow. Get ready for another Jeopardy game! Study your scientific revolution materials and get ready for a big competition! Brayden will be officiating so there should be lots of excitement!

Lauren, be sure to study your favourite subject ... that's a hint.

Remember that the test for this unit will be held on Tuesday.

Mrs. T.